
Letters to the Editor

On Muslim Women at work, co-education, Mahdavis, Adoption and Orphans and many more…


The Indestructible Individual

A story goes – it could well be true – that a man, angry on his cat, decided to punish her. He locked her up in a room and began to bring down his cane wildly and repeatedly on her. She ran around,

The Qur’an

Selections from Surah al-Anfal (59-64)

[59] And let not the unbelievers think they have outsmarted Us. They will not be able to defeat (Our purposes).104 Commentary 104. Plainly,… more »
The Hadith


1] Fudalah b. ‘Ubayd said when the Prophet - peace be upon him - prayed with the people, some people would swoon and… more »

Letters to the Editor

On Sayyid Qutb, Wrong Approach, Internet Service Center, YMD Contents, Coke Bottles and many more…


A Trustworthy Religion – 1

The religion that men inherit, is, over the ages defined, developed and modified in such a way as to appear and be acceptable to its adherents as the most rational, reasonable, practical and correct. Every previous generation adherents act as guardians to their religion,

The Hadith

Wealth and Knowledge

1. Anas (ra) says the Prophet (saws) passed by the house of an  Ansari that had a dome over its entrance. He enquired… more »
The Qur’an

Verses from Surah Al-Anfal (44-49)

[44] And when He was showing them to you (O believers) - when you encountered them - as few in your eyes,83 and He… more »

Letters to the Editor

On the Trap, Indecent Films, Statues, Difficult Child, Mothers of the Prophets and many more…


School Dropouts

It is often noticed that in a certain period of his life, a child, until then doing well in school, suddenly begins to show a lack of interest in his studies. The normal age group when this can happen is

The Qur’an

Selection from Surah al-Anfal (Verses 41-43)

[41] And know70 that whatever71 you secure as spoils of war72 - for Allah is one-fifth thereof, for the Messenger,73 the kin (of the Prophet),74 the orphans, the… more »
The Hadith


The following ahadith are selections from Kitab al Zuhd of Ibn Majah 1. Abu Dharr Ghifari reports the Prophet (saws) as having said:… more »

From the Debris

Everyone knows that troubles come in the life of every individual. But one will wonder to know that regions too undergo trouble. When trouble befalls on an individual, he attributes it to his past folly, his miscalculation or bad luck but whom to blame when a particular region is seized by trouble i.e. natural calamity. Do we have no answer to this question.?


A Belated Report on the Gujarat Earthquake

Myself and Mawlana Burhanuddin Qasmi, were on our way to Gandhi Dham to see the devastating effect of the earthquake and relief and rehabilitation work undertaken by different Muslim organizations. It was Maghrib time and the train stopped at Osmanabad station,


Letters to the Editor

On Divorce and After, Ganj al-‘Arsh and Surah Yasin

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