
An Interesting Number

Nineteen is definitely an interesting number. Many people, religious as well as scientists, have been intrigued by this number. In science,

The Qur’an

Verses From Surah Hud (61-76)

[61] And (We sent) to Thamud their brother Salih. He said, ‘My people. Worship Allah (alone). You have no other god besides Him.… more »
The Hadith

Selections from the Ahadith

Selections of the ahadith below are from Muwatta’ of Imam Malik, translated by Prof. Muhammad Rahimuddin, those in the brackets and notes are… more »

Letters to the Editor

On marriage and divorce, family dispute, knowledge of the unseen, islamic banking and many more…


Crime and Punishment

Why is it, it is often asked, that those who do not worship One God should stay in Hellfire forever, as promised in the Qur’an. Isn’t that unreasonable?

The Qur’an

Verses from Surah Hud (50-60)

[50] And to ‘Aad60 (We sent) their brother Hud.61 He said, ‘My people! Worship Allah (alone). You have no other god besides Him.… more »
The Hadith

The Number Forty in the Ahadith

Here are a few ahadiththat use the number forty 1. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet said, “There isn’t any Prophet… more »

Muslim Media in India: Predicament and Promise

The Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media (IIJNM) in Bangalore is a premier institution for Media Studies in South India which is closely affiliated to Columbia University


Letters to the Editor

On post september 11, adultery, honey, dress code, ka’ba and zamzam, adultery and many more …


The Queen and the Maid

Dress styles and clothe designs do not belong to races, religious denominations, or geographical regions. They belong first, to cultures, and second,

The Qur’an

Verses from Surah Hud (41-49)

[41] So he (Nuh) said (to his followers), ‘Embark therein. In Allah’s name is its sailing and its anchoring. Verily, my Lord is… more »
The Hadith

The Number Forty in the Ahadith

Here are a few ahadith that use the number forty. [1] Kurayb – who was a freed slave of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas -… more »

Letters to the Editor

On Ahmadiyas, chatting, jumu’ah prayers, mahdavis and many more …


All-Soul’s Day

Freedom is an inviolable tenet of Islam. Perhaps nothing is more firmly established in Islam than freedom. One might cite an example to illustrate how

The Qur’an

Verses from Surah Hud (25-40)

[25] We sent Nuh to his people (with the message), ‘I am indeed for you a clear warner. [26] That you worship not… more »
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