
The Science of Hadith – 7

This discipline involves study of the texts, lives of the narrators, the dialects they spoke, the places they lived in or visited, the culture of the times, the general political situation, and movement of thoughts and ideas in the early historical phase of Islam.

Story Essay

‘Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright!’

The life and character of Tippu Sultan (1750-1799 CE), former ruler of Mysore state, India, offers an excellent point of departure for an investigation into the role and relevance


Letters to the Editor

On dreams and houris, existence of god, non-fuqahaa level, nabi and rasul and many more…


God’s Existence

The frequency at which we are asked the question related to God, especially from the Indian sub-continent, gives us a clear indication of the decline in the magnitude of belief in Islam.

Story Essay

The Heraclian Syndrome

Man’s Freedom of Will, and the nature of Divine intervention in the working of the life of the Universe and of Man, have been recurring and much-debated topics


Those Who Erupt

At the time of writing these lines, protests against Danish cartoons are still raging. Muslims are dying. Their response had been calculated by their adversaries. But its intensity had not been predicted. As we protest, it is necessary to understand the issue and the reaction from different angles. A proper understanding of all the issues will help us determine our ways of response.


Letters to the Editor

On pronouncing the intention, sujood, concentration in prayers, sex in paradise, tahajjud time and more


The Science of Hadith – 6 Orientalists and Hadith (3)

A cursory examination reveals that the two, Qur’an and Hadith, belong to completely different orders. So that, if someone doubts the authenticity of Hadith,


Letters to the Editor

On qunut, apostasy, shadowless prophet, breaking of wudu, maintenance and more…



The question of apostasy in Islam is often raised. It issues forth from various quarters, primarily the evangelical, but also from the atheist and antagonistic circles.

Story Essay

Growing Pains: Father and Son

One of the prime accusations raised by the polytheists of Makkah against Muhammad, the last Prophet of Islam, was that his message divided… more »
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