The Masjid

Provided hereunder is a selection of ahadith from the Ma’ariful Hadith by Mawlana Manzoor No’mani as translated by Muhammad Asif Kidwai under the title Meaning and Message of the Traditions

(1) It is related by Abu-Hurayrah that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “In cities and settlements the most loveable to Allah are the mosques, and the most hateful, the marketplaces.”[Muslim]


The substance of the tradition is that the believers should feel more attached to the mosques and go to the bazaars only when it is necessary, taking care to protect themselves against the evils that are commonly associated with them, such as, falsehood and deceit. Within these limits, it is quite permissible to go to the market-places and engage in buying and selling goods for which people meet there. The Prophet, indeed, has given the glad tidings of Paradise to those who carry on trade with honesty and due regard of the God-given laws.

(2) It is related by Abu-Hurayrah that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “There are seven kinds of men whom the Lord will accord a place under the shadow of His Mercy on the Day of Judgment, on which Day there will be no other shadow other than that of His Mercy: “… The truthful believer whose condition was that even when he went out of the mosque his heart was in it (and felt restless) till he returned….” [Bukhari and Muslim]

(3) ‘Uthman ibn Maz’un narrates that once he said to the Prophet, peace be upon him, “O Prophet of Allah, please grant me the permission to adopt monasticism.” The Prophet said, “Monasticism for my followers lies in sitting in the mosque and waiting for the service.” [Sharh Sunnah]

(4) It is related by Abu-Usayd Sa’di that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “When anyone of you enters a mosque he should pray, ‘Allahummaftah li abwaaba rahmatika’ (O Allah, open the gates of Your Mercy for me),’ and when he comes out of it, he should pray, ‘Allahumma asaluka min fadh-lika’(O Allah, I seek of Your Grace).’” [Muslim]

(5) It is related by ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “When your wives ask you for permission to go to the mosque, give it to them.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

(6) ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar related to us that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Do not stop your women from going to the mosques, but it is better for them in their homes.” [Abu Da’ud]

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