Letters to the Editor

Political Islam

Q: I hope the editor is reading this. I must thank him for the fantastic job of enlightening us Muslims with thoughtful, insightful editorials time and again which challenge the picture we unwittingly build in our minds based on the inputs (and successful propaganda) from the media and the like.

Here is a video I watched that questioned Political Islam being a failure today, with the case of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood taken into particular discussion (the allegations by 32 Human Rights organizations, and so on cited as abject failures): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpmsqABAmCo&list=UUNye-wNBqNL5ZzHSJj3l8Bg

Could you please write an editorial about this? I know this would make you repeat what you quite often write, so something on the lines of an argument against the Brotherhood being labelled a terrorist organization (so sadly even by KSA and the UAE); and such allegations and conclusions that political Islam and Islamism (whatever that implies) has failed.

I know I should be taking up a bit of research myself, but then I think I wouldn’t be able to write an article 1/100th as good, coherent, logical, well-researched, persuasive and clear as you certainly can!

Hoping for a little reply, if not a complete editorial itself.

Syed Mustafa Hashmi,
On Email


Since you are aware of the media hijacking the heart and mind of mankind, we expect you know how to get the truth out of what it presents, and where to find the facts. We would be glad if you could pen down a few lines as your observations and analysis, and send them across to us for print for the benefit of our readers.

This month’s editorial touches on this issue.

Difficult Ahadith

Q: I’m a regular reader of YMD which I find to be very informative and educational, especially the ‘Editorial’ section. Recently, I came upon the following site which apparently lists some Ahadith from Bukhari, some of which seem a bit bizarre when taken at face value. I expect there is some context behind the Ahadith, but I was unable to find explanations. I kindly request you to please explain the following hadith in your magazine (or, at the very least provide me with an online link to a website offering the explanations). The website containing the hadith is: http://www.islamreview.com/articles/incredibleteachings.shtml.

S.M. Mohsin,
On Email


Sorry, we could not access the site. Can you please send us the Ahadith in question? Also, you might please check our past issues to see whether any has already been dealt with.

We might point out that it is no secret that Islam is under attack from every side, from every front for reasons obvious: it speaks out against almost everything that humanity – in the east and the west – indulges in today. To read the literature produced to combat Islam, before one would know what in truth is that which is being attacked, is not a defense strategy that will win the war. It is actually an invitation to the Devil to take house in the heart akin to going out into the field, electronically unprotected and unshielded, for an enemy drone to strike with success.

Taking up Hadith as a study, starting with the simplest (e.g. Arba`een) and graduating to the complex (e.g. Ibn Majah), is to shut the door against the Devil’s face. Although that is no guarantee against drone strikes; for that, you need to employ other means.

The attack on Hadith will go on, with the objective of preventing people from ever acquiring acquaintance with Prophetic words, (perhaps a good thing for those who do not deserve to know anything about him and his words, so filled their hearts are against him and his words), but should a Muslim choose to be the first victims?

Pound-Penny Religion

Q: I am a subscriber of Young Muslim Digest. My mother is a widow. We are three brothers and two sisters. I was given in adoption (illegal in Islam) to my late father’s sister.


Adoption is not unlawful in Islam; if it does not mean treating the adopted as a real son. The Prophet had adopted `Ali ibn abi Talib, in the sense of meeting with the cost of his upbringing. If your aunt adopted you in that sense, it is allowable.

You cannot inherit her, and her daughters are lawful to you in marriage; they are not your real sisters.

Q: My widow mother’s grandfather made a WAKF-UL-AULAD of all his properties, according to which all his descendants had the right to enjoy his properties without alienation (i.e., without selling). Now, my brothers and sisters are dividing my mother’s property (from Wakf) among themselves without giving me a penny.


Penny? Perhaps their religion is in Pounds and Pennies, and so they don’t give you a penny.

At all events, you have a right in the Waqf of your great grandfather, if your brothers and sisters have the right. That is, you have equal right as they, despite the fact that you have been brought up by your aunt.

Now, whether you all, yourself and your brothers and sisters, have the right in your great grandfather’s Wakf, and if yes, how much, is, to us, uncertain because we do not have all the details of the descendants. You all need to consult a Mufti specializing in the Law of Inheritance as to whether you have the legal right to inherit your great grandfather or not, and if yes, in what measure.

But, to make it clear, if your brothers and sisters have the right to benefit from the Waqf, you too have the right.

Q: I would like to inform you that I’m getting my legal share in my late father’s property as per Shariat. But, as per the Shariat, can a parent give away all her properties without giving a share to one of her legal heirs?


A parent can give away some of her property to one of her heirs, denying others, but she will be sinning. She must give equal share to all her children.

However, if she gives away all her property during her life, denying others of her rightful inheritors, then, the other inheritors can appeal to the Islamic Court. The Court might prevent her from doing injustice to others. This is in her life. To make clear, if the inheritors object to a person giving away all her or his property, during her or his life, to one of the inheritors alone, (or even non-inheritors) to the denial of the rest, the matter can be taken to the Islamic Court. If she wishes to divide her wealth among her rightful inheritors, during her life, she must divide it equally among all the inheritors, whether male or female.

But, if she dies leaving a will behind her to that effect, her will is null and void. No matter what she writes about who of her legal inheritors will inherit what of her progeny, after her death, the will is treated null and void, and all inheritors will be given their share according to the Islamic Law.

However, if she makes a will in favor of a non-inheritor, within one-third of her wealth, then, her will is to be honored after death; but not if the willed is an inheritor. Any will in favor of an inheritor or inheritors is null and void after a person’s death.

Q. I’d like to further add that my sisters and brothers have divided everything in my mother’s share from WAKF-UL-AULAD without giving my share, but are also not keeping a single penny in my mother’s name for her sake.

Abdul Hakim,
On Email


If they have done it out of ignorance, corrective measures are recommended. But if their religion is Pound and Pennies, then, they should fear that they could be burnt with Pounds and Pennies in the Hereafter, even if they repented just before death. The rights of the rightful owners must be returned to them before dreaming of forgiveness.

A Shameful Use of the Qur’an

Q: An internet site quotes the following Ayah to prove that the Jewish claims are right. It is a verse from Surah Al-Isra’ (17:104) which says: “And We said to the Children of Israel after him: ‘Dwell in the land; then, when the final and the last promise comes near We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd.” Doesn’t it mean the Jewish claims are right?


Let us repeat the Ayah for the sake of discussion: “And We said to the Children of Israel after him: ‘Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd.”

We said: Who is this We? Allah, right? Have the Jews abandoned Yahweh, the God of Israel, and begun to believe in Allah and His revelation?

Perhaps, they will say, meekly, ‘We just wish to prove a point.’ Good. But the “We” of above also said about them in the same Qur’an, “Of those who have adopted Judaism … Allah has cursed them for their disbelief …” (4: 46). Are the Jews ready to accept that “He” who promised them the land, has also “cursed them?”

Children of Israel: Not a single person of the Children of Israel is alive on the face of the earth today. They have all perished, to the last man, centuries ago. That is about the mass of Jews. As for those in power today in Israel, they are white Europeans and Americans, whose progenitors up the centuries were white Europeans. They are as distant from Israel’s progeny as they are away from Eskimos.

Dwell in the land: What land, which land?

The Jews may also consult their new authentic source – the Qur’an – to draw boundaries of the land. Would they like to attempt it?

Dwell in the land: He said, “dwell,” He did not say establish a state.

… the final and the last promise: Someone may ask these new believers in the Qur’an: When will be the final and last promise? The Qur’an does not explain it. But he who brought the Qur’an – Prophet Muhammad – said that when the last promise comes, Jews will be massacred out of existence; even rocks will betray them. Is this what the Jews have come to Palestine for, following their faith in the Qur’an?

We shall bring you all together: According to Jews, to dwell in the land is Allah’s command. But, “to bring you all together” is also His command. So, why have they come back without His command?

If they have no answer to these questions, that arise if they mention a Qur’anic verse to justify stealing Palestinian lands, with the help of rogue Western nations, then, in that case, and in view of many other historical facts, we have the right to conclude that they are liars, whose every word said in this connection is laced with lies, and that they are believers in a false religion, if that religion permits them to establish a state on lies and deceits.

Q. Although I know that I am talking without knowing the complete Tafseer of the Ayah.


But who or what has compelled you into not knowing the Tafseer of the Ayah? There are half a dozen Tafsir works available in Urdu and English in the markets around you, wherever you are.

Q. This verse is also mentioned in: http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Muslim_supporters _of_Israel.


We have on several occasions warned that checking into any religious site on the Net, prepared by non-Muslims, including Wikipedia, is not advisable for the Muslims, especially, when the visitor does not know the truth of the issue discussed. They are meant to poison the minds with doubts, and deflect them from the truth, of such as those who are otherwise ignorant of the Islamic point of view concerning the issues discussed. The site cited above is one such.

The combating of the wrong ideas being spread by the Net should be left to scholars. A team should be created, financially supported for the next 10 years by software engineers and Net-hubbies, to look into issues of concern and respond.

As for this Wiki site, we might deal with it separately, Allah willing.

Q. From your March 2012 issue question from Manzoor Ahamed. You mention that: “We are not told what His other creative activities are. The Qur’an informs us that every day He is in a new affair. We do not know what they are.” Can you please point out the Ayah that mentions this? I am interested in reading more about it.


The Qur’an, 55: 29.

Q. If possible, can you provide links to some online reading material on that Ayah?


Islamic knowledge never comes the cheap way. You might read anything religious on-line at no cost, but could miss the knowledge. You better buy a Tafsir work. We know how hard it is. But, benefits are great.

Q. I am currently not subscribed to your magazine, but I can read it online.


There are thousands like you who do not subscribe but prefer to read online. Because it comes free. But, that is sending us broke, has reduced our staff, stopped all their developments and increments, and all plans of expansion or betterment are torn and thrown into waste basket.

Your and the act of thousands accessing YmD only on the Net, is almost a sin. There are some people missing the simple pleasures of life, but still serving you and your likes in the thousands through sacrifice.

 Q. Or if worth your time, answering my question you can reply to my email.

Mohammed Arafat Kamaal,
On Email


You might have to wait until we have some staff to handle the issue.

Infant’s Urine

Q: I’m a regular reader of YMD. My question is: Is it permissible to offer Namaz if a newborn’s urine has fallen on your clothes and got dried up?

Friendz Maker,
On Email


Although it is popularly known among the people – and especially among women – that the urine of a suckling baby is not unclean after it has dried, the rule is in contradiction, viz., the urine, dry or wet, of a baby whether being suckled or not, is unclean and clothes polluted by it must be washed both when they are wet and when they are dry, whether of male or female.

The above applies to all kinds of infants, human or animal; except that if it is in very small quantity – the size of a coin – in which case, sprinkling the area with water would do, although washing is preferred.

Altogether urine, of any kind, must be scrupulously avoided, even if they are drops, because of the several Ahadith that inform us of punishment starting in the grave, and continuing in Hellfire for going easy with urine.

Cleanliness is a cardinal principle of Islam.

We are Confused too

Q: I am really confused about my job. Please help to sort this out. I work in a Law firm which deals in recovery litigation for leading financial banks and Inc. My job is based on MIS and issuing legal notices to defaults upon foreclosed loan due to deliquency of non-paying EMI. My only job is on PC and in line with MIS and Excel… Regarding their status… Please advise me whether it is in sync with Islamic life or I must opt out for some alternative…?

On Email


We are equally confused because we do not understand the exact nature of the problem you are facing. You might also expand upon codes such as MIS, EMI. You may also please explain what you mean by, “defaults upon foreclosed loan due to deliquency of non-paying.”

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