Ramadan is for Muslims to strive towards goodness, strengthen relation with Allah (swt) and enable themselves to make a better place for all of mankind.
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Soar in UK after Christchurch Shootings
Of the 85 incidents in the UK, linked directly to the New Zealand shooting, 40 were online abuse and 45 were carried out in person.
Translation & Commentary of Verses from Surah 27, Al-Naml [7-9]
Tafsir Ishraq al-Ma`ani by Syed Iqbal Zaheer
Flashes from the Muslim World
To Move Rohingyas to Island, Hajj now more Affordable for Muslim Filipinos, Saudi Delegation Tours Mosque, Cuts Fees to Attract More Visitors, Ranked Ninth Most Powerful Country, E-Visa Project for Pilgrims, Prayer in Banned Area of Al-Aqsa and more…
Children’s Column
It’s All about Faith!, The 1AM Visitor, Sacred Conversation and more…
Two Nuns Admit Embezzling Cash for Vegas Gambling Trips
Two nuns who worked at a Catholic school in California have admitted embezzling about $500,000 and using it to gamble in Las Vegas.
The Election Circus Begins
The political process, captured by commercial interests, devolved to Trump’s imbecilic level. The presidential election of 2020 has begun. The circus, with its… more »
King Faisal International Prizes for 2019
Within four decades the KFIP are ranked among the most prestigious awards. To date, there are 21 KFIP laureates, who also received Nobel… more »
Fewer Muslims have been Admitted to the United States Under the Trump Administration
Visa-approvals in the US for immigrants from the world’s 48 majority-Muslim countries plummeted 30 percent since 2016.
A Reminder on the Essence of Genuine Leadership
Declining Birth Rates: Is the US in Danger of Running Out of People?
Birth rates declined in the recession and they have not recovered even as the economy has improved.