Salah al-Jumu’ah (Friday Congregational Prayer)

Selections of the ahadith below are from Muwatta’ of Imam Malik, translated by Prof. Muhammad Rahimuddin, those in the brackets and notes are by author, numbers at end of the hadith are those in the original

[1] Abu Hurayrah reported the Apostle of Allah – peace be upon him – as having said: He who takes a bath on Friday, as if he were bathing for impurity, and goes early to the mosque, would be as if he has given a camel in Sadaqah.  He who goes next would be as if he has given a cow or heifer in Sadaqah; he who goes third would be as if he has given a horned sheep in Sadaqah, and he who goes fourth would be as if he has given a hen in Sadaqah, and he who goes fifth would be as if he has given an egg in Sadaqah, and when the Imam comes forth to deliver his sermon1, angels2 come down to hear it. [220]


1. The sermon in Arabic that is being delivered, after the speech given in the vernacular language.

2. While the Arabic sermon is on, we should not talk but rather listen, not even to reply to the greetings.

[2] ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar reported the Prophet commanded that he who came for Friday prayer should come after taking the bath1.  [224]


1. Although it is not compulsory to bath on Friday, it is recommended, since it entitles immense reward. Cleanliness is a part of Faith.

[3] Abu Hurayrah reported the Prophet as having said: When the Friday sermon is being delivered by the Imam, if a man should ask a man sitting next to him to keep silence, he also is committing an absurdity.  [225]

[4] Abu Hurayrah reported: The Prophet spoke of Friday and of a particular time in it which a Muslim hardly discovers.  He stands in prayer and begs something of Allah and Allah gives him that1.  The Prophet made a sign with his hand to say that the time was very short2.  [233]


1. Only good things or those thing approved by Allah are granted as and when Allah deems fit, sometimes in this world and sometimes in the Hereafter.  Those that are granted in the Hereafter are the best.

2. Ones (good) invocation are likely to be answered when supplicated between the Adhan and Iqamah of every prayer, and between ‘Asr and Maghrib Salah and shortly before dawn i.e. Tahajjud.

[5] ‘A’ishah reported the Prophet has as having said: There is not a man who said his prayer always at night1 and became overpowered with sleep but was rewarded with such of his prayer and his sleep turned into virtue.  [250]



1. The late night prayer or what we call as Tahajjud – the best prayer after the five-obligatory prayers said between Salah-al-Isha and Witr.

[6] ‘A’ishah, wife of the Prophet reported the Prophet said, If any of you begins to doze in prayer he should go to sleep, and sleep to his heart’s content, for it is possible that he may say his prayer dozing and may not be aware whether he was expressing repentance or speaking ill of himself.  [252]



All the prayers and supplications whatsoever should be said in a state of alertness and consciousness.

[7] ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar reported that a man asked the Prophet about the night prayer.  He replied: Night prayer consists of two Rak’ahs each and when it is feared lest morning breaks, say one Rak’ah more to make your prayers odd1.  [262]



1. This shows that ‘Witr’ is the last prayer of the night.

[8] ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar said: The Prophet said that the congregational prayer has twenty-seven1 times more merit than the prayer offered individually.  [282]


1.  By the ‘twenty-seven’ times, it does not mean twenty-seven per se, but rather less or more, sometimes seven, sometimes ten, sometimes even seven hundred times more merit depending upon a person’s Taqwa – God-consciousness and Khushu – concentration (in prayer and understanding what is said in the prayer) and Ihsan – i.e., to assure – not assume – that Allah is watching us although we are unable to see Him.

[9] Abu Hurayrah said: The Prophet declared that congregational prayer has twenty-five times more merit than prayer offered individually.  [283]


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